
Hybrid Materials Workshop

10 March 2010

On Wednesday 3 and Thursday 4 March the ‘Hybrid Materials Workshop', took place in Luxembourg. The event was organized by the European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry (SusChem), in close collaboration with DPI. About 100 people from 14 different countries participated in five parallel sessions. Key of this workshop was gaining input for the future materials research agenda. The open atmosphere stimulated collaborations between the participants building value chains between end-users, material suppliers and academic leaders. Within the sessions a lot of interesting ideas have been generated.

The workshop was set up in five parallel sessions: automotive, solar energy, solid state lighting, civil engineering and aviation. Within the five workshops presentations were given by persons from an end-user, material supplier and academia. After the presentations the participants and speakers of the sessions had a panel discussion. This discussion was about the research topics that need to be addressed to generate major breakthroughs in material development for the particular sector. The outcome of the workshop will be compiled in a document which will be send as an advice to national governments and the European Commission. Furthermore, the document will be made publicly available on the websites of SusChem and DPI.

The event in Luxembourg was organized with support of the European Commission.
