DPI Annual Meeting 2022
2022 is an important year for DPI as it marks our 25th anniversary. A real milestone that we want to celebrate with you!
We invite everyone who is or has been involved in the DPI network to celebrate this with us during the DPI Annual Meeting, this year with the theme PolymeRevolution as we want to highlight the evolution of polymers and the role DPI played in it and will continue to play.
Tuesday 8 November, 12.00 – 18.00hrs and conference dinner
Meeting at Van der Valk hotel Eindhoven
Here you will have the opportunity to meet and catch up with others in the network of DPI, as well as to hear about and to discuss past, present and future challenges for polymer R&D and the role that DPI played and can play in dealing with these challenges.
The confirmed speakers are Vincenzo Busico, Costantino Creton, Markus Gahleitner (Borealis), Laurent Gervat (Renault), Rolf van Benthem (Shell), Krijn Dijkstra (DSM) and Thor Tummers (Unilever).
There will be a live stream for everyone who is not able to travel.
Tuesday 22 November, 13.00 – 17.00hrs
Online, broadcasted live from a studio
This meeting focusses on the impact of DPI research. There will be presentations by the three nominees of the DPI Golden Thesis Award, and by experts from the DPI community who will demonstrate the impact of DPI projects.
The confirmed speakers are Pieter de Lange (Teijin Aramid), Virendra Kumar Gupta (Reliance), Helge Jaensch (ExxonMobil), Nic Friederichs (SABIC) and Jaap den Doelder (DOW).
Simone van Trier and Rein Borggreve will moderate both meetings.
LinkedIn group – 25 years DPI
The two weeks in between the meetings will be used to facilitate and stimulate the discussion online. In a LinkedIn group, you can discuss past, present and future of polymers and DPI. We will share videos of our partners telling you more about their DPI related showcases. The group is limited to registered participants of the DPI Annual Meeting. To join the group, please go to LinkedIn, search for the group ’25 years DPI’ and request to join.
Hotel information
Click here to book your hotel room in the conference hotel.